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盛 sheng

Home Pinyin sheng

丰盛 fēngshèng lavish; rich; sumptuous

华盛顿 huáshèngdùn washington

茂盛 màoshèng lush

强盛 qiángshèng puissant

盛产 shèngchǎn abound

盛大 shèngdà grand

盛会 shènghuì pageant

盛开 shèngkāi bloom

盛况 shèngkuàng pomp

盛世 shèngshì prosperous

盛夏 shèngxià midsummer

盛行 shèngxíng prevailed; prevailing; prevails; rife

盛宴 shèngyàn feast

旺盛 wàngshèng briskness; exuberant

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce